
How to Solve VAGCOM 12.12 Interface "Not Found Problem"

VAGCOM VCDS Interface "Interface Not Found" Problem Solution

Recently, some customers refelected that they bought VAGCOM 12.12, but it doesn't work.
During the required cables test,it fails with the message"Interface: Not Found!", This is with the cables plugged into the car during the test as reuired. However, if disconnect the vagcom cable from the car and test again, the message"Interface: Found!" and it still errors but correctly with " Status: Not plugged into car!".

Do you have trouble in it?

If yes, then maybe asked, is your computer WIN7 32 bit system? I guess it is.
If in this situation, then maybe the software doesnot supports win7 32 bit system.
Now here I offer you a link to download the win7 32 bit system software:


Problem with "interface not found" can be easily resolved by first connecting it to the car and then to USB port.

Kindly note: this solution only for VAGCOM 12.12, if can not solved it, suggest you purchase latest VCDS 18.2.1 vagcom cable here: http://bit.ly/2FAbWFG

Which is update online version, no need bought cable once the VCDS update.

VCDS 18.2 from eobdtool.com no interface not found problem, 1 year warranty, free technical support for any problem of the cable.

Focus On OBD Tool Since 2008

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